Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Workflow For Studio (Rik Parks)

Workflow for Studio

1) The client contacts us, we take the details such as date and what kind of portrait they would like (Fashion, Family portait, Commerical products etc) We tell them the cost and take a 20% deposit.

2) We set up the studio ready for the shoot leaving at least an hour before the client arrives. Get the make-up artist and props ready if applicable.

3) Take the pictures for the client and make them as comfortable as possible without overdoing it.....

4) Once the shoot has finished send it straight to lightroom and if the client wishes to stay, have them help pick out the photographs they like best. Edit the best on photoshop if need be.

5-1) If the client is still around and has paid the full amount, print the pictures straight off with the Epson 3880 and provide them frames or portfolio book etc.

5-2) If the client hasn't paid on the day, print a contact with a watermark and send it to them. Once they have paid send the prints to them with the portfolio book or frame etc

6) Enjoy our money...

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